Smooth Operations Hospital Gala Raises over $115,000

Photo credit: Jennifer Blake, Vernon Morning Star
Overwhelming community support resulted in a successful SmoothOperations Gala and enhanced medical care in the North Okanagan.
On May 11, a sold-out crowd of 240 people attended the gala, which raised over $115,000. The gala is part of OPERATION: Surgical Care for Life, a campaign which aims to reduce hospital wait times, increase surgical capacity and improve patient outcomes.
“We couldn’t be more thrilled with the gala and how residents andbusinesses from throughout the region rallied to ensure we continue to havestate-of-the-art health care right here at home,” said Kate McBrearty, VernonJubilee Hospital Foundation interim executive director.
The gala was held at the Vernon Lodge and the title sponsor was SubwayVernon, with Bannister GM serving as the VIP room sponsor.

“Without the support of all of our sponsors, the Smooth Operations Galawould not have been possible. I am always impressed with the generosity of ourlocal business community and their willingness to give back in such ameaningful way,” said McBrearty.
“I also want to acknowledge the hard work of our amazing galacommittee, volunteers and foundation staff, who spent countless hours planningthe gala and working behind the scenes to provide a unique experience for ourquests.”
The evening included truly unique prizes to entice guests, including alive auction with Bob Woodman. Among the items on the auction block were golfpackages, kayaks, wine tours and a stock your bar package donated by the WineWomen and Woods Alumni.
In the VIP room, there was an hour of special tastingstations and appetizers, as well as a meet and greet with Dr. Paul Dooley, orthopedicsurgeon & perioperative lead at Vernon Jubilee Hospital. The evening’s entertainmentwas provided by The Underground Circus and they amazed the crowd with balancingacts and juggling.

“After 5 years of fundraising, between Wine Women &Woods and this gala, I am overwhelmed by the generosity of this fine communitywe live in. Time and time again when asking for donations, businesses arealways happy to support our endeavors. We are so lucky to call Vernon our home.Thank you to my committee and the support of the foundation for such asuccessful event. I look forward to next year!” says Stacey Donison, Chair ofthe Smooth Operations Gala Committee.
VJH Foundation continues to raise funds for Operation:Surgical Care for Life. “We look forward to the ongoing support of NorthOkanagan residents and businesses. Together, we are making a difference in ourcommunity,” said McBrearty.

Photo credit: Jennifer Blake, Vernon Morning Star