Sun FM makes Pediatric Oncology Room a reality

Children facing cancer now have a dedicated space at Vernon JubileeHospital to receive chemotherapy treatment thanks to the Sun FM Have a HeartRadiothon and the incredible generosity of our community.
On June 20, donors, doctors, staff, and supporters gathered tocelebrate the grand opening of the Pediatric Oncology Room at theMcMurtry-Baerg Cancer Centre at VJH. Supported by a specialized team of health care professionals, itis a child-friendly environment within the cancer centre where patients andfamilies can feel comfortable as they receive the care they need.
“As a parent, I can’t imagine whatfamilies experience when their child is diagnosed with cancer, so it iscomforting to know that a calming, therapeutic space is available for themclose to home. Thank you so much to Sun FM and North Okanagan residents formaking this all possible,” said Kevin Arbuckle, Vernon Jubilee HospitalFoundation President.

Sun FM has supported Women’s andChildren’s Health Services at VJH for 16 years, and together with ourcommunity, they have raised more than $830,000. In 2018, the Sun FM team becamemore aware of children undergoing cancer treatment and knew they wanted to dosomething to improve the situation.
“I’ve watched many family members and friendsgo through cancer treatment so when VJH Foundation brought this idea to us, itreally touched my heart,” says Betty Selin, Sun FM Sunrise Show and Radiothon co-host. “We’re all so grateful our listeners alsofelt a connection to this project and everyone was so generous! We’rethrilled to be here for the opening of the facility that will perhaps ease theexperience for these brave children battling cancer.”
In April 2018, the Have a Heart Radiothon raised a record breaking$94,000 to make the dream of this dedicated space become a reality.
“This project underscores the generous communitysupport for children’s health and it’s much appreciated. Children will receiveexcellent care close to home,” says Dr. Michael Cooke, Pediatrics Physician.“When treating children, we are really treating the whole family. Having anice, relaxed space is so important.”
Notonly is the room well-equipped for world-class treatment, it is also designedto be relaxing and entertaining for the children during difficult times. Thereis a TV with video games systems, stuffed animals, colouring activities, andmore. The Vernon Jubilee Hospital Auxiliary made a generous donation topurchase the furniture for the room and a beautiful mural was painted bystudents at Vernon Christian School.