SUN FM Have a Heart Radiothon provides vital equipment for newborns & families
Our community came together on April 25thto raise funds for Women’s and Children Health Services at Vernon JubileeHospital
From 6 am to 6 pm, Betty Selin and JerhettSchafer broadcasted live from Village Green Shopping Centre for the 16thAnnual Have a Heart Radiothon. Individuals, businesses, and community groups challengedeach other, on and off the air, raising an outstanding $57,317 in just 12hours!

“I attended my first radiothon this year. Theincredible support of the community is not only inspiring, but also verytouching.” said Kate McBrearty, Interim Executive Director of the VernonJubilee Hospital Foundation. “From our first challenger, a young girl who brokeinto her piggy-bank, to business owners, grandparents and so many others whodonated, I say a heartfelt thank you. You’vemade a difference in the lives of newborns, their moms and families at ourHospital.”
A very special thank you also goes to Betty, Jerhett,and the team at Sun FM for their ongoing dedication to improving healthcare forchildren and families in the North Okanagan.
“The2019 Sun FM Radiothon was an incredibly heartwarming day. Woman’s andChildren’s is so very excited and thankful for the community’s support inpurchasing this much needed equipment for our new babies and families in ourcommunity. The Transcutaneous Bili Meter will mean less blood pokes forour newborns, the isolette will ensure a warm safe place to nurse our babiesand the bassinettes will help support family centered care. Thank you forthis tremendous support,” says Leslie Murphy, Manager of Women’s and Children’sHealth Services.
Since 2004, Sun FM Have a Heart Radiothon has raised $824,090 for children at VJH.